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Frequently DOE Consulting will be publishing articles, white papers, videos and instructions. As reference they will be published here for further inspiration. On our LinkedIn page you will find more inspirational posts.

English content
Effect of ownership & maintenance on a Bentley 3 Litre versus Production equipment by DOE-Consulting

If some people would really take full ownership, responsibility and involvement of their production equipment the current performance level will be better. How is it that they ask me to persuasive management to buy new equipment to solve all problems? How is it that one of the first Bentleys, a Bentley 3 Liter from 1927 is still running well, and some production equipment is frequently stopped unplanned? Promotion movie on how Dutch Operational Excellence Consulting can support your company to further improve this kind of changes and implementations.

Dutch Operational Excellence Consulting for opportunities and brighter side of the COVID-19 situation instead of containment & darker side (click on Picture for link to full text)
Setting Sail during Sunrise.jpg

Is your company looking towards opportunities or containment? Are you looking towards the brighter side of this situation or to the darker side? Can you already see the new insights and positive chances right in front of your feet arising?


A document written in support to act now towards the brighter side of the COVID-19 crisis


Click on the picture for the whole document

Dutch Operational Excellence Consulting on change management basics and the emotional responses based on the Covid-19 crisis

Dutch Operational Excellence Consulting on change management basics and especially the emotional responses based on the current events of the Covid-19 crisis, and how this can help your business for the future

Introduction of our Total Productive Maintenance program by Dutch Operational Excellence Consulting

The experiences and examples of TPM implementations at various companies worldwide, and other working fields are coming all together in a unique approach. 
In this video I will explain to you what we want to achieve with regards to this program, what TPM is all about, what our unique TPM implementation approach is, and why you should be curious and anxious to implement this as well.
There is way much more than we could show you in this video. So if are you curious about our trainings, our hand in hand approach, methodology and support? Please contact us and we will gladly explain to you.

Discussing insufficient training of production employees and the impact it has on performance, short stops, breakdown level, ownership, and trust in their own capabilities. 

Insufficient training has a lot of impact on production employees. But why do we tolerate this? What will be the outcome on performance, short stops, breakdowns, ownership, and trust in their own capabilities? Within Dutch Operational Excellence Consulting we will help you to overcome these problems. Within each kind of area or company.

The impact of insufficient or no training can be enormous on performance and trust of employees in their own capability. Same goes for bad training. Discussing two examples of wrong training are only telling or only showing as an instruction.

Are we having the same discussion on the same level, or do we assume that people are knowing what we are talking about? Telling alone is no good instruction and showing alone is no good instruction either. In this video you will see the weaknesses in telling alone and showing alone, and there are several reasons why it is insufficient. Now people can perform a task by telling or showing alone, but it is just not that efficient. There is however a reliable and proven method and that is the 4 step Job Instruction method. And when it is used then we are confident that a person is correctly trained and understands the ins and outs in order for them to perform the job correctly. 

​Contact us to know more on how to perform good training and how we can excel your business in order to implement all these kinds of techniques.

How disruptive techniques can bring new insights in the way we work. Sharing the training experience this week for a large plant, using the simple technique of folding a paper airplane

Sometimes simple pen & paper will do the job even better than computerized or mobile applications, although we live in 2020. How real people connection and having an every day examples to explain theory in practice can help to take the next leap

The two main assets of a company are the people who work in the company and the machines with which they work. 

The two main assets of a company are the people who work in the company and the machines with which they work. That is why within Dutch Operational Excellence Consulting we crafted a Total Productive Maintenance or TPM program to implement Autonomous Teams or Autonomous Maintenance, hand in hand with the improvement of the Technical Department. This to focus first on the direct improvement of these two important assets

Summary of Gung Ho by Ken Blanchard

Interesting to investigate how we can put the powerful methodologies of Gung Ho, by Ken Blanchard into the business strategy to support the vision. I can recommend this small book to each manager, who want to be creative, and think outside the box to learn some deep truths on how to treat and motivate people, through the analogy of the squirrel, beaver, and goose.

Gung Ho 1 - Spirit of the squirrel - DOE
Gung Ho 2 - The Way of the Beaver - DOE-
Gung Ho 3 - The Gift of the Goose - DOE-

How the wisdom of Gung Ho by Ken Blanchard and Start with Why by Simon Sinek is important if you want to improve your business and people engagement. 
Contact us via or to understand how we can support and improve your company by removing barriers, solving problems and improving (leadership) teams with various lean tools, humor and creativity. 

The capability of the Crew

The similarity of Sailing and Running a Business; they both depend on the capability of the crew

How are you deep charging your energy

What is your perfect deep charge?

Do you know your normal energy peak and low during the day?

How about your colleagues’ energy?

How are you using this as a leader?

New English content will be made available soon
Dutch content / Nederlandse media

Ondersteuning nodig om het 1,5m afstand beleid efficiënt voor de langere termijn te verbeteren in uw productie omgeving met zo min mogelijk productieverlies en de juiste gezondheidsbescherming voor uw medewerkers?

Dutch content / Nederlandse media

Ondersteuning nodig om het 1,5m afstand beleid efficiënt voor de langere termijn te verbeteren in uw productie omgeving met zo min mogelijk productieverlies en de juiste gezondheidsbescherming voor uw medewerkers?

DOE Consulting - Voldoende afstand.png

Klik op de afbeelding voor de link naar de complete text

Waar staat uw bedrijf ten opzichte van World Class Maintenance en World Class Operational Excellence?

Ducth Operational Excellence Consulting visie met betrekking tot World Class Maintenance en World Class Operational Excellence. Het eenmalig gebruik van een paar onderhoudstechnieken maakt nog niet dat u op het gewenste niveau zit. Wat heeft u nodig om verder te groeien?
DOE Consulting Promotie mei 2020
Introductie van DOE Consulting en managing director Thijs Smit. Over ervaringen, passie en hoe lean tools gebruikt worden als katalysator voor veranderprocessen om waarde te creëren binnen een bedrijf
Nieuwe Nederlandstalige uploads zullen snel openbaar gemaakt worden
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